Tantasy Podcast – Ponga Magic and the Lostcast (Eps #192 and #193)

Episode 192 – The Lostcast

We lost this one on DropBox! So we thought we’d release it. Better late than never.

If nothing else it’s great to hear the aftermath of the boys trip to Oz for Origin 3. Ferguson streaking, Mark shaking and Mikey running more stairs.


Episode 103 – Ponga Magic

A late in the week recording due to work commitments.

A short, sharp cast previewing the NRLCEO teams this week as well as the NRCEO Dream Teams.


Download through your podcast app, download Ep #191 direct, download Ep #191 direct to your phone or listen from the players below:


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The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.


The boys from across the ditch, Mark and Mike, have been playing NRLCEO for five years and have a competitive private league called Tantasy. They join us from a roof in NZ drinking bourbons instead of Cruisers, but having a good laugh along the way.