How To Play

  1. Welcome to NRLCEO
  2. Starting a competition or league
  3. Squad limits and position restrictions
  4. How to score
  5. Scoring summary
  6. Drafting and recruitment
  7. Player movement during the season
  8. Selecting your team each week



The information below is quite detailed but reading it will result in a much better understanding of what is actually a very simple and enjoyable fantasy rugby league.

To help coaches through the initial NRLCEO process, the order of proceedings from start to end that each NRLCEO coach will undergo is as follows:

1.  Register via TheBench front page
2.  Login to the site (your email is your login)
3.  Create a Club, Competition or League
4.  Enter team into Competition
5.  View players and create a pre-draft list of players you wish to recruit
6.  Commence draft once competition is full
7.  Select your team each week
8. Enjoy the addiction of NRLCEO!



To make your life easier, we have published an article which outlines the difference between creating a Club, Competition or League.


Creating a Club – FREE for default competitions and $15 per club to enter a custom league

If you have a friend or colleague that has already done the hard work and created a competition for you, then this step is super easy.  You need to register an account by entering an email address, nickname and password.

Once you have logged in you will be presented with a number of options.

If you know the Competition Token then click Add a Club and then enter the Competition Token as required.  Then follow the prompts as required.


Creating a Competition – FREE!

If you have been appointed as the person to setup your competition, then the quickest and easiest way to get started is by creating a Competition.

Creating a competition uses the default settings entered by the NRLCEO Admin.  There are two options:

  1. NRLCEO Classic – our traditional version comprised of selecting 17 players each week
  2. NRLCEO Lite – this is a quicker version of the game where you only need to select 9 players each week with a squad size of 13 in total

Once you have decided which version you would like to create, then click on the blue “Select” tab and then fill out the prompts on the next page.  For a more detailed run down, check out our blog.

Once you have submitted your settings you can start to invite others to your competition.  Using the email form at the top left of screen add your friends emails or email them the Competition Token directly.


Creating a League – $15 per club

A “League” is the most customisable option on TheBench.    You can modify one of the existing competition templates including:

  • How many positions on a field
  • Scoring rules
  • Formulas which calculate the scoring rules
  • Your draft order

Think of a League like the English Football Leagues.  You can have a number of divisions and teams can get promoted and relegated, but they all play under the same rules.

On TheBench, a League also allows you to have a multi-tier competition which includes a number of linked competitions that could also include an annual promotion and relegation.  You can have as many competitions within a League as you like, or you can just have one.



Squad limits can be customised for both free competitions and paid Leagues.  You just need to keep in mind that the more teams you have in your competition, the lower you should make your squad limit so that you have access to decent players at all times.

For competitions that have four teams in them, squads of 25 are the norm, but if you have 10 teams in your competitions we recommend reducing the squad limits to around 20-22 players.

There are no limits on the number of players you can recruit in each position.


Goal kickers are highly valuable NRLCEO squad members and have been given kicking ratings (up to a maximum of 10 points).  These ratings have been based on numerous factors and include:  goal kicking ability, likelihood to kick points each week and team scoring potential.

An NRLCEO team is allowed to have goal kickers in its squad up the kicker salary cap maximum with the default setting being 10 kicking points allocated to each team. The competition creator can customise this allocation of kicking points at his/her discretion at the time of competition set up.

In general, the default setting of 10 kicking points has been allocated so that a team will theoretically only be able to draft one full time goal kicker, along with a number of other ‘backup’ kickers. It is also important to note that all available players with kicking points can be selected in the team in any given match but only the selected kicker’s goals will be counted towards that franchise’s final weekly points tally.

Paid custom leagues can set their own kicker limit to allow more than one full time kicker to be drafted.

A coach can choose any player to be their kicker as long as that player has been named in the NRLCEO team’s starting 13 for that round.  Players on your bench cannot be named as the kicker.



From 2019, you can now opt to draft “Team Kickers”. This means that you can draft the Raiders goals and every goal that is kicked is counted towards your score, even if you don’t have Jarrod Croker, Aidan Sezer or Sam Williams in your team.

Read this blog to understand how it works in more detail and how to implement it in your league.



There are numerous ways that an NRLCEO team can accumulate points.  Public and private competitions can be fully customised to suit the the competitions requirements.

Public Legends of League and Supporters League Competition rules are set in place by NRLCEO Administration.

The various ways in which a player can score in NRLCEO is described below.


Points are allocated to each NRLCEO team based on NRL players’ performances in NRL games for each round and the points they score. If a player scores for their NRL team, the NRLCEO franchise also gets benefited with those points – as long as the scoring players have been named in the team for that round.

Example: Josh Addo-Carr scores three tries for the Storm in Round 1. An NRLCEO franchise has recruited Addo-Carr and named him in their Round 1 team on the wing. That team will be accredited with 12 points (3 tries @ 4 points each).

All players can score points for their NRLCEO team through scoring tries and field goals in the actual NRL game.



Kickers play an important role in gaining points for their NRLCEO team. A kicker must be specifically named as the NRLCEO team’s kicker for the week and will score points for any successful goals that they accrue during that round’s NRL game. Kickers are also awarded any other points that they score throughout the game via tries etc.

Example: Nathan Cleary scores two tries and kicks 6 goals in Round 1 for the Panthers. An NRLCEO team has named Cleary in their team and nominated him as their kicker. That team gets credited with 20 points (8 points for the two tries and 6 conversions worth 2 points each). If any other player in that NRLCEO team kicks goals during this round, they will not be credited to the NRLCEO team as they were not named as that team’s kicker.


Team Kickers

There is also the option available to recruit a whole team as your kicker. So for example if you recruit the Panthers goals, it doesn’t matter whether Nathan Cleary or Stephen Crichton kicks the goal, you get the points regardless.



A Workhorse is achieved if a player makes a combination of 40 or more tackles and runs. If a player achieves these stats, the player is awarded a Workhorse (the default value is five points).

Example: An NRLCEO Franchise names Angus Crichton. He scores one try in Round 1 but also makes 35 tackles and 8 runs. The NRLCEO franchise that has named Crichton in their team gets accredited with eight (9) points (4 for the Try and 5 for the Workhorse).

Most competition only score workhorses for forwards, but custom leagues can allow any position to score a workhorse if you choose to.



The Double Workhorse (DWH) rewards player who have a blinder of a game.  In order to achieve a DWH, a player must make a combination of 60 tackles and runs or more AND must run more than 150m. In order for a hooker to achieve a DWH, he must make a combination of 60 tackles and runs AND run more than 75m.

NOTE:  If a player is classed at a hooker/back rower/lock, the position in which they qualify for a DWH will be determined by the position in which they start in that game. 

SIDENOTE: If a player only has a single position on TheBench but plays in a different position in the game then they will need to meet the requirements of their position that they started in. E.g. If Cameron McInnes has a hooker only status on the site, but plays lock, then he will need to meet DWH requirements for lock position.



The Triple Workhorse (TWH) is the Holy Grail! It is an INSANE performance by a player to achieve this and extremely rare. In order to achieve a TWH, a front rower, back rower or lock must make 70 tackles and runs combined or more as well as 200m or more. In order for a hooker to achieve a TWH, he must make a combination of 70 tackles and runs or more as well as 125m or more.

NOTE:  If a player is classed at a hooker/back rower/lock, the position in which they qualify for a DWH will be determined by the position in which they start in that game. 

SIDENOTE: If a player only has a single position on TheBench but plays in a different position in the game then they will need to meet the requirements of their position that they started in. E.g. If Cameron McInnes has a hooker only status on the site, but plays lock, then he will need to meet TWH requirements for lock position.



The Metre Eater was created to help boost the value of the hard working runners in the NRL.

We know that different positions have varied opportunities to make more runs so we have used different requirements for each position. Importantly, the metres they require is based on the position they in the NRL game, not the position you select them in your NRLCEO team.

Single Metre Eaters:

Fullbacks: 150+ metres run
Wingers: 150+ metres run
Centres: 100+ metres run
Five-Eighths: 100+ metres run
Halfbacks: 100+ metres run
Front Rowers: 150+ metres run
Hookers: 75+ metres run
Back Rowers: 125+ metres run
Locks: 150+ metres run

Players named to start from the Bench: 125+ metres run

Double Metre Eaters:

Hookers: 125+ metres run
All other positions: 200+ metres run

Triple Metre Eaters:

All positions: 300+ metres run

We have recommended that competitions set it as worth two points per metre eater, but as with all scoring options on TheBench it is customisable by you and your competition.



Line Break, Try Assist and Line Break Assist points are awarded to any player who performs these in their NRL game. Any players in any position is capable of scoring by these methods.

Points for Line Breaks, Try Assists & Line Break Assists are not default settings and therefore need to be added by the competition creator. The creator will also need to give values that they deem appropriate for each scoring method but must take into account the other scoring systems in place so it works out to be a proportional scoring system.


40/20 KICKS

Points are awarded for a player who successfully kicks a 40/20.  40/20’s are the same value as a field goal (default is 1) and are shown on the Team Match-ups Page in the Field Goals column.



Players can be deducted points if they infringe on the field. This occurs when players are sin binned or sent off during their NRL game. The default settings for a sin binning is -2 points and a send off is -4 points.  Players are not penalised in NRLCEO for dropped balls, missed tackles, penalties or suspensions.



In NRLCEO, bench players score the same points as the starting line-up however the competition creator can customise this to change the bench players’ scoring ability. The competition creator can choose to half bench player’s scoring if they so wish.



Captains traditionally score double points in NRLCEO, but you can customise it to suit your needs.

In order to be able to select a captain (which most competitions allow to score double points) you must be in a customisable league and select “Enable Bonus Position 2” on the Edit League screen.

You then need to go to the Edit League screen again to edit each position where a captain might be able to play (for most this will be editing the positions 1-13). You then need to define which extra points Captains will be able to score.

For those of you who want a captain to score double points you should copy + paste this formula into the Advanced Tab and then the Captain Scoring Expression.

E.g. 4*$tries + 2*$tryAssists + 4*$workHorse + $lineBreaks – 2*$sinBins – 4*$sentOffs + $fieldGoals + $fortyTwenty



Below is a complete summary of how a player’s points tally can be accrued in an NRLCEO round. These are the default values and can be fully customised by the creator in a paid league.

Scoring Method Points (Default Settings)
Try                4
Goal                2
Field Goal                1
Workhorse                5
Metre Eater                2
Sin Bin               -2
Send Off               -4
Line Break/LBA                1
Try Assist                2


NRLCEO offers a number of recruitment options for those that want to draft online and those that want to draft offline.

The most popular method is the Live Draft which utilises the Snake Draft (e.g. 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3 etc to create an order in which CEO’s select their players.

The time for the draft is set by the competition creator doing initial creation and they have control when to select “Start Draft” and get things rolling.  



Each live draft is a pick for pick system that is designed to allow all teams in the competition the opportunity to get a solid and competitive squad. When the page indicates that it is a team’s turn to pick, the coach is free to choose whatever player they like, as long as it adheres to the rules of the competition (see Squad Limits & Kicking Points salary cap).

Each draft length is determined by the number of players required to make a full squad.  The NRLCEO default setting consists of 25 rounds meaning that up to 25 players can be picked by each team during the drafting process. Consequently, if a competition creator customised the squad limit to just 20 players, that would mean a 20 round draft would be required.

NRLCEO coaches are able to select one player at a time for each round of the draft.

It is important to note that a player can only be picked for one team, so once he is selected, that team has exclusive rights to him until he is either cut or traded. 

The default setting for the order is Snake, but we can cater for just about any order you can muster up in your mind.  Get in touch with us if you want anything other than a Snake format.



This is called the “Free for All” in the League settings.

The Quick Draft is perfect for those of you who want to get the draft over and done with quickly.

Set this up so that each round of two minutes (but can be changed by the competition admin to 1, 5 or 10 minutes etc) you can pick up a new player which means your draft will be over and done with in under an hour.



If you wish to do an Offline Draft, the new platform on TheBench is perfect for you and your mates.

You and your fellow CEO’s will conduct a draft without the aid of TheBench website and draft manager. A common example of this is for the competition participants to gather together at a house or a pub and draft together in person. It’s old school and a lot of fun!

The format of the Offline Draft needs to be agreed upon between all members and there will be the inevitable arguments, but we can’t help you with that! In order for an Offline Draft, it is crucial that a member records each team’s draft picks on a Draft Board or a piece of paper.

The competition admin can then logon to TheBench website post draft and add all the players themselves, or allow each coach to make their own picks.



Prior to Drafting, a Pre-Draft List can be compiled by a coach.  This involves placing players into an ordered list prior to drafting.  This allows a coach to quickly recruit a player without filtering through the entire player list during the drafting process.  Players can be placed in this pre-draft list and arranged and rearranged according to the coach’s preference.

The auto-pick box can be a valuable tool for coaches who are likely to miss part of the draft through work or other commitments. It is important to note that once the draft starts, a coach is still able to change their pre-list or the order of the players within that list. This means that if a coach is away from the draft for an extended period of time, they must make sure that their prelist is well co-ordinated with high priority players at the top of their pre-list.

If a player is randomly selected, the selection is based on the scores of previous season in order from highest scoring to lowest.



During the season, it is possible to terminate and recruit players.

This can be done at any time during the week (including the weekend). New players will be added to the site immediately after the game in which they initially play in, or on the Tuesday that they are initially named in the NRL team.

A coach can cut and recruit players by simply hitting the ‘Bin’ icon in the team page. When a squad has vacancies, a coach may recruit players via the ‘Players’ link by clicking on the “+” icon.

An NRLCEO fantasy rugby league squad only has a limited number of cuts throughout the season – default number is 18 for the entire season but can be customised by the competition creator. This means that a coach can only terminate this many players during the season. Players are normally cut due to injury or poor form (lack of NRLCEO point scoring); however, a coach may just want to cut a player to accommodate another because of position restrictions.



Coaches may wish to attempt to trade a player or players with another coach in the competition. There are a number of important factors to take into account when considering this option. Once the trade is offered, the other coach must consider, accept or reject the trade. Trading is an important aspect of NRLCEO and is not always accepted, especially if the other coach feels that you (the trader) are not offering a fair trade.

Example: Another coach in your competition wants to trade Greg Inglis for a star player who has a season ending injury. This is an example of an unfair trade and will most likely be rejected.


Each week, coaches are required to name a team from their squad. Coaches can do this via the ‘Coaches Box’ menu item. With a squad of players to choose from, a coach must select their best players, based on who they think will score the most points during that round. A coach’s selections could mean the difference between a win and a loss so selections each week should be calculated and carefully considered each week.

The coach must also choose a kicker for that week.  This is done by selecting the “K” icon at the top right of each of the player caricatures.

Team selection each round is locked at kick off of the first game of the week, unless otherwise stated.  A rolling lockout will be available for paid custom Leagues. This means that if a player hasn’t played his game, he can be replaced with another who also hasn’t played right up until kickoff of the first game that affects the two players in consideration.

In general, team selection will lock at 7:30pm every Thursday or Friday – which means the NRLCEO coach must have their team selected by this deadline. Daylight savings time also affects lockout times when Queensland and NSW times differ. After this lock time, no changes to the NRLCEO team will be permitted.  If no team is selected by the coach, NRLCEO will select the same team as previously selected the week before.


The winning team at the end of the round is the team with the highest total of points. Just like the NRL, two competition points are awarded for a win, one point for a draw and none for a loss. At the end of the regular season, the top team is crowned Minor Premiers and the finals series begins. The finals series is able to be customised and includes various methods of achieving an eventual grand final match up and premier.

It is important to note that results are updated as often as possible throughout the weekend as games are played.

The final result is not official until midday on Monday AEST. 


The Banter Page is a valuable aspect of NRLCEO.  Sledging of fellow coaches and their teams is strongly encouraged in NRLCEO and promotes inter team rivalry.  You can send a message to an entire competition quickly and easily.

It is generally common practice for a coach to write sledges talking up their team’s chances of victory for the coming week.  Rubbing your beaten opponents’ nose in the dirt in also strongly encouraged.

Sledging in NRLCEO creates a competitive atmosphere and makes the game of NRLCEO much more enjoyable, especially when taking on your close mates in a private competition! It should be noted that NRLCEO takes no responsibility for other coach’s overt or over the top sledging.  While we at NRLCEO encourage sledging (and partake it in ourselves more often than not), we do not condone unnecessary swearing or personal insults in public competitions.


We can be contacted directly at the email address:
We aim to give you a response within 24 hours.  Writing on blogs is not a direct way of accessing NRLCEO administration. Feedback, conversation and questions can also be directed to our Facebook and Twitter pages which are regularly monitored.


4 thoughts on “How To Play

  • April 20, 2015 at 9:11 pm

    Love to talk to someone about this comp.
    been playing super coach since it started with 20 mates but find it’s getting stale
    Please call me 0409317335

  • Pingback:2016 NRL Bye Rounds

  • February 13, 2021 at 11:17 am

    do you have a place/page where I can join a comp?


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